Thursday, January 2, 2014

Catering Methods for the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010

With the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games just around the corner, caterers, like the competitors competing, are preparing in earnest to make the best showing possible. However, catering companies differ from participants once games in that always see their involvement with the competition with an dangerous outcome. They know that it is only by rigorous organization and anticipating potential problems beforehand that their hitting is guaranteed.

Here are a few of the challenges for caterers

Heightened Security

Heightened security means road closures and restricted access to certain parts of the hub. This will certainly existing logistical problems and affect how we cater to our existing clientele.

Supply and Demand

The rules of supply and demand will put pressure on pricing and option of everything from the studio of glassware to securing fresh foods. Finding well trained staff will likewise present challenges for all catering companies.

Failure to Deliver in front of Promises.

The temptation for small catering businesses way yes before doing their due groundwork.

Tips for a Rewarding Winter Games in 2010

Realistic Expectations

Having great expectations about what your company is able to deliver is an strongest asset. Smaller companies should think more such as strategic partnerships or sub-contracting from larger companies that win catering contracts from VANOC. Think niche.

Look Above for Answers

For most meagre Vancouver businesses, catering to the olympic games represents a lavish opportunity with potential stuff. It's important to want to those companies which there before. Consider contacting other business from past olympic games for their advice directly. Also, if you're included in an international professional association for that discipline, look for a difficulty and answer forum online. Submitting question is easy and remember that people make the decision to give advice to others consequently. (just think of the actual parents)

On-Site Catering

Consider contracting the services you receive to one group or government body as their official in-house caterer. With established numbers and put meal times, you'll be better browsing plan menus and order supplies shortly of the start of that contract

Gather Info

It's smart to regularly check the VANOC whenever you for changes and updates which often affect your plans. It's obvious that security will have road closures in vulnerable areas. You can also search on-line which are more recent press releases from your City of Vancouver together with the Province of British South korea.

Think Beyond 2010

You wish to be in business after the bottom of the games, so nurture your core customers. It's wise to contact them preliminary and see what they are planning of the Olympic games. You probably want to provide your catering services to them first.


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